
Did You Know?

Decades of research shows that expanding roads doesn’t provide lasting congestion relief. More lanes means more traffic.

Lakefront Trail Activities June 29-July 1

Permitted activities that may affect your use of the Lakefront Trail June 29-July 1

Friday, June 29

No events reported

Saturday, June 30

Wavefront Beachside Music Festival, Montrose Harbor, Noon-10pm

Praise Walk, Burnham Park, 9am-Noon

Walk-Jog-Bike-A-Thon, Burnham Park, 9am-3pm

C.H. Robinson's 9th Annual Kickball Extravaganza, Grant Park, 9am-5pm

Gold Coast Art & Music Fair, Grant Park, all day

Stray Cat Strut 5K Walk/Fun Run, on the Trail in Lincoln Park (start/stop in Grove 16), this is a small event and I could not find an exact route or time for this event

Sunday, July 1

The LATE ride, starts in Grant Park, 1am-4am

Gold Coast Art & Music Fair, Grant Park, all day

Wavefront Beachside Music Festival, Montrose Harbor, Noon-10pm